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Let's start with a number such as 36, the square root is 6 since 6x6, which is another way of writing 6 squared (62) =36. So to find the square root of 36 we ask, what number when multiplied by itself equals 36. The process of multiplying a number by itself is squaring. So another example, square root of 4 is 2 since 2 squared is 4. Now for a number such as 3, you can't easily find a number such that when you square it you get 3. You would need to use a calculator or one of many methods to approximate the square root of 3.

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Q: What is taking the square root of a number?
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What is the opposite of taking a number's square root?

The opposite of a square root is to square the number. √64 = 8 → 8² = 64.

What is the opposite of a number squared?

Finding the square root of it. Taking the square root. Not squaring it.

Is 1234 a square number?

Try taking the square root. If you get a whole number, then it is.

What is applying square roots?

A square root is a number that you have to multiply itself by to find the original number. For example 3 would be the square root of 9 because 3^2 or 3 times 3 is 9 4 would be the square root of 16 because 4x4 is 26, and so on Taking the square root simply means finding the number you have to multiply by itself to get the original number Again, taking the root of 16 would be 4 taking the root of 25 would be 5 applying is another way of saying "taking the root"

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Nesting of square roots refers to the situation when a square root is written inside another square root. For example, if we have √(√9), this is an example of nesting square roots. It means that we are taking the square root of a number, and then taking the square root of that result.

Can you square a square root?

Yes, the whole idea of taking the "square root" of a number is, for example for the square root of 2, to find the number that, when squared, gives you 2. if you try to do both, they cancel each other out.

When is taking the square root of a number not the inverse of squaring a number?

Taking the square root of a negative number is not the same as squaring a number because the square root is only defined for non-negative numbers. Additionally, taking the square root of a non-perfect square number will result in an irrational number, which cannot be expressed as a fraction or a repeating decimal.

Is the square root of 20 rational?

Try taking the square root. The square root of a positive integer can only be: * A whole number, in which case it is of course rational, or * Irrational.

What is the opposite of cubing a number?

"Taking the cubed root of.." Like the square root, we do not have a quick, simple name for it.

What is the inverse of taking the square root of 25?

The inverse operation of taking the square root is to calculate the square.

What you get a whole number when taking the square root of a number it's called a...?

I think the answer to this poorly phrased question is "a perfect square".

What is the square root for primrey schooll?

Taking the square root means to find a number that, when squared (when multiplied by itself) is equal to the given number. If I ask for the square root of 9, I want a number that, when multiplied by itself, is equal to 9 - in this case, the answer is 3.