

What is technical dimension?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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Q: What is technical dimension?
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What are the systems of dimensions?

information presented to the management is estimated to have its dimension in terms of cost, business and technical issues involved. various dimension of information system(MIS) are- 1) economic dimension. (a) cost of information, (b) value of information, 2) business dimension. 3) technical dimension.

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information presented to the management is estimated to have its dimension in terms of cost, business and technical issues involved. various dimension of information system(MIS) are- 1) economic dimension. (a) cost of information, (b) value of information, 2) business dimension. 3) technical dimension.

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Drawing means any kind of sketching. It may be real (technical dimension) or imagination (no technical identification). where as, design means the sketch with technical data.

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Dimetric in technical drawing) denoting or incorporating a method of showing projection or perspective using a set of three geometrical axes of which two are of the same scale or dimension but the third is of another .

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Thin lines for outlining Thick lines for dimension Thin dotted lines Thin dotted lines Thin long chains for center lines

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For putting to many dimension on top of the dimension!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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THere was a dimension in my classroom