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knowledgeable, wise in computer areas... such as programmers, engineers or anyone who is very knowledgeable in computing.

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Q: What is technologically literate?
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Related questions

What does technologically literate means?

technology literate means you are good with technology.

What does Technologically Literate mean?

technology literate means you are good with technology.

What is the scientific or taxonomic name of a computer literate person just like you write humans as homosapiens?

The scientific or taxonomic name for a computer literate person would not be analogous to "homosapiens" as that term specifically refers to the species Homo sapiens. A computer literate person could simply be referred to as a "technologically adept individual."

What are you called if you can read?

literate literate

How do you put literate in a sentence?

i am literate in my learning

What is a prefix for literate?

il-literate (illiterate)

Is England technologically advanced?

Yes, England would be very technologically advanced.

What percentage of the people in Belgium are literate?

99% of the people are literate

What percentage of the people is literate in Bolivia?

70& of the youth are literate.

What is the prefix of literate?

The prefix of literate is illiterate :) Haha i got it first!!!! From Kere!!!!

What are computer literacy and information system literacy why are they important..?

A literate person cannot be expected to know how to operate a computer. In essence, a person can be literate but not computer literate. But the opposite seems difficult to be true. A computer literate is often always a literate.

What is the adverb form of technological?

The adverb form adds an -LY. It is technologically.