knowledgeable, wise in computer areas... such as programmers, engineers or anyone who is very knowledgeable in computing.
read , write, and spell the abc
A literate person is not always wise. To be literate means to be able to read. A literate person may be foolish, and may waste his gift either reading trash or reading nothing at all. The question itself reveals a common lack of wisdom on the part of a literate person ... the seeking of the answer to a homework assignment written by others, thus sacrificing the opportunity to actually learn something, and choosing to cheat instead. I now add unneeded words to this answer, to arrive at the specified 61/2 lines.
numerically literate
statistics in adult education helps you to quantify and figure out the number of adults literate.
pi is a universal constant and was not invented by anybody. It was known to the ancient Babylonians long before the Swiss were literate.
technology literate means you are good with technology.
technology literate means you are good with technology.
The scientific or taxonomic name for a computer literate person would not be analogous to "homosapiens" as that term specifically refers to the species Homo sapiens. A computer literate person could simply be referred to as a "technologically adept individual."
literate literate
i am literate in my learning
il-literate (illiterate)
Yes, England would be very technologically advanced.
99% of the people are literate
70& of the youth are literate.
The prefix of literate is illiterate :) Haha i got it first!!!! From Kere!!!!
A literate person cannot be expected to know how to operate a computer. In essence, a person can be literate but not computer literate. But the opposite seems difficult to be true. A computer literate is often always a literate.
The adverb form adds an -LY. It is technologically.