forty three billion five hundred sixty million two hundred sixty five thousand seven hundred sixty nine
One billion, nine hundred sixty-seven million, three hundred eighty-nine thousand
One billion, two hundred sixty million.
Five hundred billion, three hundred sixty million.
Two billion five hundred sixty million.
1,366,000,000 One thousand and three hundred and sixty six million. or One billion three hundred and sixty six million.
500,361,000,000 = five hundred billion three hundred (and) sixty-one million.
Two trillion, seven hundred sixty-eight billion, nine hundred million.
There are two ways, both are used : "one point five billion" and "one and a half billion". Another form for decimals (one and five-tenths) is seldom used for large numbers.
969,400,000,000 or nine hundred sixty-nine billion, four hundred million.
forty three billion five hundred sixty million two hundred sixty five thousand seven hundred sixty nine
Five billion three hundred sixty-five million OR five thousand three hundred sixty-five million.
One billion, nine hundred sixty-seven million, three hundred eighty-nine thousand