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Raising cents to a power doesn't make sense. What would be the meaning of square cents, cubic cents, etc.???

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Q: What is ten cents a day to the 30th power?
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If you save ten cents a day how many days would if take to save a million cents?

100,000 days, or almost 274 years. If you save ten cents a day how many days would if take to save a million cents?

How much a day is in ten dollars a year?

Ten dollars a year equates to just 2.73 cents per day !

How much did a soldier get paid for serving in the Revolutionary wWr?

ten cents a day

What U.S. President was Ten cent Jimmy?

James Buchanan was nicknamed "Ten-Cent Jimmy." He was given this nickname as a derogatory reaction to his statement that ten cents a day for a worker was sufficient.

What is ten percent of 48 dollars and ten cents?

Ten percent of 48 dollars and ten cents is 4 dollars and 81 cents.

What is the tenth part of ten cents?

A tenth part of ten cents

Where did the phrase ten cents come from?

From the division of a dollar: "Ten Cents" is ten percent of a dollar.

How many cents are in ten dollars?

There are one thousand cents in ten dollars.

When was Ten Cents a Dance created?

Ten Cents a Dance was created in 1930.

What is ten to the 30th power called?

Ah, what a happy little question! When you raise ten to the 30th power, it's called a "nonillion." Just imagine all those zeros dancing together on the canvas of mathematics, creating a beautiful number that stretches out into the vast universe of numbers. Remember, there are no mistakes in math, just happy little miscalculations waiting to be corrected.

Meaning of ten cents on the dollar?

"Ten cents on the dollar" is what somebody is paying compared to what they actually owe. For every dollar of debt, they are paying ten cents--not an additional ten cents. So if they owe $10, they are paying $1.

What fraction of a dollar is equal to ten cents?

Ten cents = 1/10 of a dollar.