Five dollars twenty.
You seem to be unaware of the fact that you could have obtained the answer much more easily and quickly by using the calculator that comes as part of your computer.
Eighty-four and 00/100
The number is "two hundred thirteen and eighty-four hundredths." The US currency value $213.84 is "two hundred thirteen dollars and eighty-four cents."
Four hundred eighty-five dollars.
$84,000.00To write a check: Eighty-four thousand and 00/100 dollars
One thousand six hundred eighty-four dollars and eighty centsFor check-writing: One thousand six hundred eighty-four and 80/100 dollars
You subtract the other way (406 - 80), then put a minus sign in front of it.
four hundred and eighty-eight
Eighty-four and 00/100
Expressed in words, this is equal to eighty-four billion four hundred and eighty-three million.
Four hundred ninety-five thousand, eighty-nine dollars and sixty-four centsWhen writing a check: Four hundred ninety-five thousand eighty-nine and 64/100 dollars
One thousand, four hundred thirty-two and eighty-four hundredths. For currency: One thousand, four hundred thirty-two dollars and eighty-four cents.
The numeral 1416.80 is "one thousand four hundred and sixteen and eighty hundredths. In US currency, this would be "one thousand four hundred and sixteen dollars and eighty cents."
The number 74.81 is "seventy-four and eighty-one thousandths." In US currency, it would be "seventy-four dollars and eighty-one cents." ($74.81)
The number is "two hundred thirteen and eighty-four hundredths." The US currency value $213.84 is "two hundred thirteen dollars and eighty-four cents."