4 percent of nine hundred and sixty thousand is thirty-eight thousand four hundred (.04 x 960,000 = 38,400).
Generally, percentages refer to a ratio of some kind. If you had nine things out of ten things, that would be ninety percent. If you compared nine things to one thing, that would be nine hundred percent. If you had the decimal 0.09, meaning nine out of a hundred, that would be 9 percent.
Nine hundred nine percent.
4 percent of nine hundred and sixty thousand is thirty-eight thousand four hundred (.04 x 960,000 = 38,400).
Generally, percentages refer to a ratio of some kind. If you had nine things out of ten things, that would be ninety percent. If you compared nine things to one thing, that would be nine hundred percent. If you had the decimal 0.09, meaning nine out of a hundred, that would be 9 percent.
9 percent of 100 percent would in fact be 9%.
ninety dollars.