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Q: What is ten to the 18th power?
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10^18 = 1e+18 = 1x10 to the 18th power

What is the scientific prefix of 10 to the negative 18th power?

The prefix that means one quintillionth, or times ten to the negative 18th power, is atto-. Examples: An attometer is a quintillionth of a meter, and an attosecond is a quintillionth of a second.

What number is followed by nineteen zeros?

Ten Quintillions 1 followed by 18 zeros (one to the power of ten to the 18th) is One Quintillion 1 followed by 19 zeros (one to the power of ten to the 19th) is Ten Quintillion 1 followed by 20 zeros (one to the power of ten to the 20th) is One Hundred Quintillion 1 followed by 21 zeros (one to the power of ten to the 21st) is One Sextillion & so on...

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What is 10 to the 18th power called?

10 to the 18th power is called Quintrillion

Is ten considered a power of ten?

Yes; 10 as a power of ten is 101.

What is after fifthtillion?

There ain't no fifthtillion. There is a pentillion. Million = ten to the 6ixth power 1 000 000 Billion = ten to the 9th power 1 000 000 000 Trillion = ten to the 12th power 1 000 000 000 Quadrillion = ten to the 15th power 1 000 000 000 000 Pentillion = ten to the 18th power 1 000 000 000 000 000 Sextillion = ten to the 21st power 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 the "sex" refers to the six groups of zeros. It goes up like sept, oct, non dec... getit? JCF Try Wikipedia. you'll learn more.

Is ten cubed the same as ten to the second power?

No, it is not the same. Ten cubed is ten to the third power or 10x10x10 or 1000. Ten to the second power is 10x10 or 100.

Who changed the balance of power in 18th century Europe?

If you're talking very late 18th century, the answer would be Napoleon Bonaparte. The rest of the 18th century was not a period of major balance of power-shifts.

How do you write out 10 to the 18th power?


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what is ten to the tenth power to the hundreth power

What is ten to the 6th power?

Ten to the 6th power is 1,000,000