To write 10 April 2010 in roman numerals, you could write it X-IV-MMX
The roman numeral MDL represents the number 1550. One tenth of 1550 equals 155 which is written in roman numerals as CLV.
Roman numerals only apply to numbers. so April can't be in roman numerals, but seven is VII
In todays usage of Roman numerals: IV-VII-MCMXCIII
In todays modern usage of Roman numerals: IV-V-MCMXCIII
In today's terms April-16-1992 converted into Roman numerals is April-XVI-MCMXCII.
The roman numeral MDL represents the number 1550. One tenth of 1550 equals 155 which is written in roman numerals as CLV.
Roman numerals only apply to numbers. so April can't be in roman numerals, but seven is VII
In todays usage of Roman numerals: IV-VII-MCMXCIII
In todays modern usage of Roman numerals: IV-V-MCMXCIII
In today's terms April-16-1992 converted into Roman numerals is April-XVI-MCMXCII.
13th April 1957 can also be written as 13-04-1957, which in Roman numerals would be XIII.IV.MCMLVII
The roman numerals for April 18, 1989 are XVIII.IV.MCMLXXXIX.
April 9, 1986 would be written as IX.IV.MCMLXXXVI in Roman numerals.
April 24, 2010 converted to Roman numerals is XXIV.IV.MMX.
April 21st, 2008 is written as XXI.IV.MMVIII in Roman numerals.
April MMX