They're applied to decimals. Some decimals stop, like 0.75 That's a terminating decimal. Some decimals keep on going in patterns, like 0.3333... or 0.565656... Those are repeating decimals.
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No, the question contradicts itself. If it is repeating then it cannot be terminating and if it is terminating then it cannot be repeating!
No, the question contradicts itself. If it is repeating then it cannot be terminating and if it is terminating then it cannot be repeating!
No, the sum of a repeating decimal and a terminating decimal is never a terminating decimal.
terminating decimals repeating decimals
No, the question contradicts itself. If it is repeating then it cannot be terminating and if it is terminating then it cannot be repeating!
0.875 is a terminating decimal and as a fraction it is 7/8
It is terminating - after two decimal digits.
No, the question contradicts itself. If it is repeating then it cannot be terminating and if it is terminating then it cannot be repeating!
No, the question contradicts itself. If it is repeating then it cannot be terminating and if it is terminating then it cannot be repeating!
No, the sum of a repeating decimal and a terminating decimal is never a terminating decimal.
terminating decimals repeating decimals