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just exactly what do you mean by terms is this present or past tense are we talking about conditions leading to repo. or are we discussing what it takes to get in this position ok here are a few ideas if we are talking obout what leads to a repo. that could be varied usually outlined in each individual if we are talking about how one goes about doing a repo that also varies depending on area and lending institution,and type of collection agency.It would help greatly if the question was more specific.I have never heard of anyone refer to terms I would have to believe that there suggestig to the process due to get in such a position and that is outlined in each individual contract and should be but most usually isn't made known to the debtor at the time of the commencement of the loan,its in the fine print the road/section least traveled/discussed by the salesman at the time the property is purchased.However it is a general rule that usually goes with out saying that if you miss one or more payments you breached the contract and defaulted on loan there for starting the due process that leads up to the repossession of said property I hope this is what the question was referring too.

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Q: What is terms of repossession?
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They will have sent you a letter stating the terms. You can also look at the original loan agreement you signed.

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That depends on the terms put forth by the lending institution - they're the ones who repossesses your car, not the state.

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No. The contract you signed when you financed the car gave you the terms and conditions which had to be met in order for you to retain your vehicle - that's your notice, right there. Creditors and repossession agents tend not to give notice, largely because debtors have been known to try to hide vehicles or evade repossession by other methods.

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Yes, there is no difference. A repossession is a repossession.

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A repossession is a repossession, no matter if it is voluntary or not. Your credit will be ruined for 7 years.

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No you cannot remove a repossession off your credit report if your cosigner has a judgement on the repossession.

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Pay the money. You don't have to be contacted about the repossession; you are aware of the terms of your loan in your contract. If you're behind, pay what you owe so you can get the vehicle back. * The amount owed is not relevant. The following states require "right to cure" notification before repossession action can be taken: Colorado, Connecticut, Iowa, Louisiana, Maine, Massachuetts, Missouri, South Carolina and West Virginia and Wisconsin (replevin order required).

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Wrongful repossession insurance??? Coverage for when the Repossession Agency wrongfully recovers an asset for a myriad of reasons.

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I only know about the state of Massachusetts. And yes in our state they have one hour to report the repossession to the police department in the town of which the car was taken.

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I am a repossession agent in Virginia it takes 2-3 months of not paying before the repossession status occurs.AnswerI am a repossession agent in Virginia it takes 1 missed payment then repossession status occurs.

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It depends on the terms of the contract. Legally if you miss 1 payment you are delinquent and they can start repossession proceedings on their vehicle.