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Q: What is terms of the expression then give the coefficient of each term of k-3d?
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It would have been better if you had actually given us the expression, but I will give you the most common possibility.In the expression 3x+5, 3 is called the coefficient

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If you're asked to simplify an expression, you need to expand all brackets if there are any, and collect all like terms. If the question is a fraction you have to give the answer in its simplest form

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Yes. If the coefficient of the third degree terms in one polynomial are the additive inverses (minus numbers) of the coefficient of the corresponding terms in the second polynomial. Eg: 3x3 + 2x2 + 5 and -3x3 + x - 7 add to give 2x2 + x - 2

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4b - 9 + 2b + 8 Coefficients are the numbers in front of the variables. Therefore the coefficient of 4b is 4 and the coefficient of 2b is 2. The like terms are 2b and 2b, but also -9 and 8. Constant terms are the ones that do not contain a variable. -9 and 8 are the constants. 4b - 9 + 2b + 8 can be simplified (by combining like terms) to give 2b - 1

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It is 2x + 5. The value of this expression will depend on the value of x: each different value of x will give a different value for the expression.

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A variable is a letter that represents a number. A n expression that contains at least one variable is called a variable expression or an algebraic expression.A variable expression has one or more terms. A term is a number, a variable, or a product of numbers and variables.An algebraic expression consisting of only one term is called a monomial (3x, xy, 2y, xyz); of two terms is called a binomial (x + y, x^2 - 1, a + 2b); of three terms is called trinomial (x + 2y - 4, 3x^2 + 2xz +3). In general, an algebraic expression consisting of two or more terms is called a polynomial

What idea will the partitional coefficient value give you about the solubility?

No ,I can't