Thau represent thichness like .075 Inches thich substance is generally called 75 Thau and in accordance to thichness you can choose the guage like 13 point or 14 point
What examples involve conversions from one form to another? Please help me!!!
It depends on what you want to convert.
4.5, learn your conversions
Feet cm130.48260.96391.444121.925152.46182.887213.368243.849274.3210304.811335.2812365.7613396.2414426.7215457.216487.6817518.1618548.6419579.1220609.621640.0822670.5623701.0424731.522576226792.4827822.9628853.4429883.9230914.431944.8832975.36331005.84341036.32351066.8361097.28371127.76381158.24391188.72401219.2411249.68421280.16431310.64441341.12451371.6461402.08471432.56481463.04491493.52501524511554.48521584.96531615.44541645.92551676.4561706.88571737.36581767.84591798.32601828.8611859.28621889.76631920.24641950.72651981.2662011.68672042.16682072.64692103.12702133.6712164.08722194.56732225.04742255.52752286762316.48772346.96782377.44792407.92802438.4812468.88822499.36832529.84842560.32852590.8862621.28872651.76882682.24892712.72902743.2912773.68922804.16932834.64942865.12952895.6962926.08972956.56982987.04993017.521003048
187.96 centimeters. you can do more conversions on
thau is small
Martin Thau was born in 1887.
Martin Thau died in 1979.
Benjamin Thau was born on December 15, 1898.
Benjamin Thau went by Benny, and Bem.
Nicolas Thau was born on September 9, 1996.
"Thau" is pronounced like "th-ow", with the "th" sounding like the th in "this" and the "ow" sounding like the ow in "cow".
Leon Thau was born on April 8, 1926, in Israel.
Pierre Thau was born on December 16, 1933, in Toulouse, Haute-Garonne, France.
Benjamin Thau died on July 5, 1983, in Los Angeles, California, USA.
Marty Thau died on February 13, 2014, in Petersburg, Virginia, USA of complications from renal failure.
Michael Thau has written: 'Consciousness and cognition' -- subject(s): Philosophy of mind, Mental representation