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Q: What is the 'term' in a pattern rule?
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What is the pattern rule for 4 -4 4 -4 pattern?

The rule is multiply the previous term by -1 to find the next term.

What is an explicit pattern rule?

A pattern that not only continue the pattern but find the value for the given term in the pattern.

How do you get a recursive pattern?

A recursive pattern is a pattern that goes like this 2,4,6,8 and on. A pattern rule which is used to find the next term.

What is the rule for this pattern 141664?

-- Each term after the first one is four times the previous term.-- Beginning with the 0th term, the nth term is (4)n .

What is the rule to the pattern 50 100 200 400?

Double the present term to get the next one. The term after 400 is 800 .

What is the rule of the pattern 1 4 16 64?

Multiply each preceding term by 4.

What is the pattern rule for this pattern 325-310-295-280?

Really...? Each number is 15 less than the number before it..... While this person is quite right in stating that you remove 15 to get the next number, the rule is usually an equation that can be used to find the nth term, rather than relying on a previous number. In this case a possible rule is '340-(15n)' 'n' being the letter used to substitute the term of the pattern. For example the 2nd term in this pattern is 310. Because BEDMAS states that we have to do brackets first, we multiply 15 by 2, which equals 30. 340-30 is 310, which is the 2nd term. We can apply this rule to every term in the pattern, so we know it works.

What is the rule for this pattern 1 2 5 13 34?

To get the next term, add the sum of all previous terms to the most recent term.

What is a position-to-term rule?

A position-to-term rule is a method in mathematics used to find the value of a term based on its position in a sequence or pattern. It typically involves using a formula or equation to determine the relationship between a term's position and its value in the sequence.

How do you find the rule in a numerical pattern?

explain how to find the rule in a numerical pattern

Does not obey the rule or pattern?

An exception does not obey a rule or pattern. Often, the only way to identify an exception is to know the rule or pattern that should be expected.

Is it correct to say that this is the ground rule in English?

Yes, the term "Ground Rule" is a proper term.