Mary was fifteen and her cousin was twelve, so there was a three year disparity in their ages.
% rate = 1%note: $1 = 100 pennies= 1/$1 * 100%= 1/100 * 100%= 1 * 1%= 1%
Believe it or not, "parity" is the opposite of "disparity." Dictionary.com defines "parity" as: 1. A situation of equality. Parity can occur in many different contexts, but it always means that two things are equal. (i.e. In a foreign-exchange market, currencies are at parity when their exchange rate is exactly 1 to 1. 2. The official value (or "par" value). 3. In an exchange market, when all brokers bidding for the same security have equal standing due to identical bids. The word "disparity" itself, meaning "difference," has a few antonyms (the opposite of a word), such as alikeness, equality, likeness, sameness, or similarity. Hope that helped. :)
1 to 1, 1:1, 1/1 100% Out Of 100% = 1
The plural of disparity is disparities.
The prefix of "disparity" is "dis-".
Inequality; difference in age, rank, condition, or excellence; dissimilitude; -- followed by between, in, of, as to, etc.; as, disparity in, or of, years; a disparity as to color.
list the states which suffer from regional disparity
There was a huge disparity between how loudly he laughed and how funny his jokes were. The couple got married even though there was a great disparity in their ages.
There is a large disparity in Venezuela between the wealthy elite and the majority of the population who live in poverty. This disparity is evident in access to healthcare, education, and other basic services.
Three synonyms for the word disparity are imbalance,inconsistency, and discrepancy.
Mary was fifteen and her cousin was twelve, so there was a three year disparity in their ages.
disparity of educational technology industrialized first world country
The cast of Disparity - 2013 includes: Steve Malm as Mitch Adalyn Oceanak as Marie