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Q: What is the 10th term in the 200th row of pascal's triangle?
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Why do we need Pascal's triangle?

Pascals triangle is important because of how it relates to the binomial theorem and other areas of mathematics. The binomial theorem tells us that if we expand the equation (x+y)n the result will equal the sum of k from 0 to n of P(n,k)*xn-k*yk where P(n,k) is the kth number from the left on the nth row of Pascals triangle. This allows us to easily calculate the exponential of binomials without ever having to resort to expanding term by term. In addition, the way that the triangle is constructed allows us to observe that P(n,k) is always equal to nCk or n choose k. While this may not seem important, you often need to calculate combinations in Statistics and Pascals Triangle provides one of the easiest ways to calculate a large number of combinations at once.

What is the nth term and the 10th term of the sequence of numbers of 0.87 1.24 1.61 and 1.98?

The nth term is 0.37n+0.5 and the 10th term is 4.2

What is the Nth term for a triangle number?

The Nth term for a triangle number is: 0.5n(n+1)

What is the polygon term for a triangle?

A triangle is a 3 sided polygon

Does the mean of triangle bisect the area of triangle?

The answer depends on what you mean by "mean of triangle". There is no such geometric term.

Is there a specific term for a triangle with rounded points?

A triangle with VERY round points is a circle. There is no geometric term for a triangle with rounded points, but a triangle with rounded sides is known as a Reuleaux triangle. It is similar to the shape used for the piston in a rotary engine.

What term best describes a triangle with two perpendicular sides?

right triangle

Another name for a regular triangle?

A regular triangle is an equilateral triangle. It can also be be called equiangular but that term is not used much.

Find the 10th term of the geometric sequence 10,-20,40…?


What is the math term for a triangle?

triangular polygon

Realating is an aragram for which mathematical term?

There is no anagram for relating in mathematical terms.