You would end up with a decimal number with fewer significant digits.
Zeroes to the left of the decimal point are significant if there is a decimal point present. Zeroes between numbers are always significant. Zeroes to the right of the decimal point are always significant. Non-zero numbers except for the last are always significant. The last non-zero number is always insignificant.
When it is left of an integer and right of a decimal number
Three. This refers to the number of significant digits AFTER the decimal point.
With a decimal point, all digits for that number are counted. Then, we have 4 significant figures.
You would end up with a decimal number with fewer significant digits.
The answer depends on the number of decimal places or the number of significant digits to which you wish to round the number.
The answer depends on the number of decimal places or the number of significant digits to which you wish to round the number.
Zeroes to the left of the decimal point are significant if there is a decimal point present. Zeroes between numbers are always significant. Zeroes to the right of the decimal point are always significant. Non-zero numbers except for the last are always significant. The last non-zero number is always insignificant.
When it is left of an integer and right of a decimal number
Three. This refers to the number of significant digits AFTER the decimal point.
Seven. Trailing zeros in a number containing a decimal point are significant.
With a decimal point, all digits for that number are counted. Then, we have 4 significant figures.
Five. If you write numbers representing the numbers in a calculation or an answer, then the number of significant figures is the number of figures written down. The number of significant figures in 351.739002 is 9; Don't confuse "significant figures" with "decimal places". The number above has 6 decimal places.
With the decimal point, all digits are counted as significant figures. Then, there are 3 significant figures for the given number
15.67 When multiplying or dividing, the answer is rounded to the least number of decimal places as the number in the problem with the least number of decimal places. 6.35 has 2 decimal places and 2.467 has 3 decimal places, so you round the answer to 2 decimal places.
The number of significant figures in a number is equal to the number of digits to the left of the decimal point up to the first leading zero. It is then added to the number of total digits to the right of the decimal point. In this case, there are six significant digits.