97=largest 2 digit prime
The largest 2-digit prime number is 97.
The largest 2 digit composite number is 99.
How about 99
97 is the largest 2-digit prime number.
97=largest 2 digit prime
No. When adding the smallest 2 digit number (= 10) to the smallest 2 digit number (again, 10) the result is a 2 digit number (10 + 10 = 20). When adding the largest 2 digit number (= 99) to the largest 2 digit number (again, 99) the result is a 3 digit number (99 + 99 = 198). As you can see, you'll either get a 2 or 3 digit number, but never a 4 digit number.
The largest 2-digit prime number is 97.
The largest 2 digit composite number is 99.
How about 99
It is 97
The smallest is 11 and the largest is 97.