The first occurrence of the digit 0 in the digits of pi is at the 32nd decimal place.
It is -173
The Prime Minister of Belgium in 1939 was Herbert Pierlot. He was in office from 1939 until 1945 and was the country's 32nd Prime Minister.
There is no 32nd amendment
Italy has not had a 32nd president yet.
No it i the 31st state established, Minnesota is 32nd.
The 32nd Infantry Brigade is located in Winsconsin.
The ordinal number 32nd is written or spoken "thirty-second."
Since Federation, Australia has had 32 Prime Ministers, as of 2012.31 men and one woman have held the office of Prime Minister at some stage, but several of them have held office more than once, serving after a break. Therefore, there have been 27 different people who served as Prime Minister.Julia Gillard is the 32nd Prime Minister, but the 27th different Prime Minister.
Australia has had 32 prime ministers as of 2013. 31 men and one woman have held the office of Prime Minister at some stage, but several of them have held office more than once, serving after a break. Therefore, there have been 27 different people who served as Prime Minister. Julia Gillard is the 32nd Prime Minister, but the 27th different Prime Minister.
The Big Three in World War Two were Winston Curchill (the British Prime Minister), Joseph Stalin (leader of the U.S.S.R.), and Franklin D. Roosevelt (32nd president of the U.S.A.). The Big Three in World War Two were Winston Curchill (the British Prime Minister), Joseph Stalin (leader of the U.S.S.R.), and Franklin D. Roosevelt (32nd president of the U.S.A.).
The 32nd Century BC occurred between 3100BC and 3199BC.
The 32nd week of 2012 is 6 to 12 August.
Australia has had 32 prime ministers as of 2011. 31 men and one woman have held the office of Prime Minister at some stage, but several of them have held office more than once, serving after a break. Therefore, there have been 27 different people who served as Prime Minister. Julia Gillard is the 32nd Prime Minister, but the 27th different Prime Minister.