69 MPH
89.5% written as a decimal is .895 When you convert a percentage to a decimal you must move the decimal two places to the left. Ex: 69% is .69. 45.9% is .459. When you convert a decimal to a percentage you must move the decimal two places to the right. Ex: .69 is 69%. .459 is 45.9%
BFG, the twits,69 move
69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69
69 - T19, D6
Currently, the last move Swampert learns is 'Hammer Arm' at level 69 however you can teach it HMs or TMs any time after this level.
9 divided by 69 = ~0.1304347826
John Quincy Adams 210....69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 210 210
69 + 69 = 138.
69 multiplied by 69=4761
It is: 69 times 69 = 4761
69 decreased by 6 percent = 64.86 69 decreased by 6% = 69 - (6% * 69) = 69 - (0.06 * 69) = 69 - 4.14 = 64.86