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Q: What is the 80th percentile of 507?
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Related questions

Is the 80th percentile the same as the 0.2th quantile?

No. No. No. No.

Is there a difference between the 80th percentile and the top 80?

There is not a difference between the 80th percentile and been in the top 80. This is the same thing just written in different ways.

What z score represents the 80th percentile?

To find what z-score represents the 80th percentile, simply solve for 0.8 = F(z), where F(x) is the standard normal cumulative distribution function. Solving gives us: z = 0.842

What are High Point University's 25th-75th percentile SAT Math scores?

High Point University's 2014 25th-75th percentile SAT Math Scores are 507-609, meaning 25% of students scored 507 or lower on the Math portion of the SAT, and 75% of students scored 609 or lower (i.e. 25% of students scored 609 or higher).

Is 4 foot 11 in a half the normal size for a 11 year old boy?

That is tall. He is in the 80th percentile (taller than 8 out of ten boys his age).

What are the percentile rankings for GRE Math Subject Test scores?

The percentile rankings for GRE Math Subject Test scores indicate how a test taker's score compares to others who took the same test. For example, scoring in the 80th percentile means that the test taker scored higher than 80 of the people who took the test.

The 80th you on Wii sport resort?

It depends... What are the other 79 I points you have? If you mean, what was my 80th I point, then my 80th I point was Needlepoint Spire.

What color stone is associated with an 80th birthday?

A traditional gift for an 80th birthday is an emerald, but there is no specific stone associated with an 80th birthday. Ruby is also commonly associated with milestone birthdays, including 80th birthdays.

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What are the factors and prime factors of 507?

The factors of 507 are: 1, 3, 13, 39, 169, and 507. The prime factors of 507 are: 3 and 13.

Is there a 80th President?

No, there is no 80th president. Not yet anyway. 2012 will bring forth the 45th president.

How many zeros are in 507 billion?

Including the 0 in 507, there are ten zeros in 507 billion (507,000,000,000)