346.60543 rounded to the nearest ten thousandths is 346.6054.
0.77623 rounded to the nearest ten-thousandths is 0.7762
30.0923077 rounded to the nearest ten thousandths is 30.0923
Look at the digit in ten-thousandths place. If it is five or greater, round the digit in thousandths place to the next higher digit. If the digit in ten-thousandths place is less than five, leave the digit in thousandths place as it is. 9.1132 rounded to the nearest thousandths is 9.113.
It is: 0.0523
1.664 rounded to the nearest ten thousandths place is 1.6640
346.60543 rounded to the nearest ten thousandths is 346.6054.
Oh, what a happy little number we have here! To round 5347299 to the nearest ten thousandths, we look at the digit in the ten thousandths place, which is 2. Since 2 is less than 5, we keep the ten thousandths place as it is, making the rounded number 5347300.
It is: 2.6353
45.8975 The ten thousandth place is the fourth digit after the decimal.
0.77623 rounded to the nearest ten-thousandths is 0.7762
30.0923077 rounded to the nearest ten thousandths is 30.0923
Look at the digit in ten-thousandths place. If it is five or greater, round the digit in thousandths place to the next higher digit. If the digit in ten-thousandths place is less than five, leave the digit in thousandths place as it is. 9.1132 rounded to the nearest thousandths is 9.113.
Let's count!12.3456789↑ tens place.12.3456789↑ ones place12.3456789↑ tenths place12.3456789↑ hundredths place12.3456789↑ thousandths place12.3456789↑ ten-thousandths palce!Rounded, it's 12.3457 :D
63,929 rounded to the nearest ten thousandths is 63,929.0000If you meant to the nearest ten thousands, the result would be 60,000
To round 3.14159 to the nearest ten thousandths, we look at the digit in the fourth decimal place, which is 5. Since 5 is equal to or greater than 5, we round up the last digit in the ten thousandths place. Therefore, 3.14159 rounded to the nearest ten thousandths is 3.1416.