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Dr Luke addressed Acts to Theophilus.

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Q: What is the Acts of the Apostles second volume of his two volume work both addressed to?
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Related questions

What is the second section of Acts of the Apostles about?

Arguably the whole of the Acts of the Apostles is about the apostle Paul, but the second part is certainly about Paul.

What books of the Bible are addressed to Theophilus?

Luke's gospel (Luke 1:3) and Acts of the Apostles (Acts 1:1).

Who is the acts of the apostles addressed to?

Jews, Greeks, and gentiles well, basically whoever wants to read the bible :p

Who is Stephen in the acts of the apostles?

Who is Stephen in Acts of the Apostles?

Does the Book of Acts trace all of the acts of all the apostles?

AnswerNo. The Acts of the Apostles is essentially a record of the supposed acts of Peter and Paul, perhaps even a subtle comparison of the two apostles. Apart from Stephen, who is not mentioned anywhere outside Acts, there is no real mention of the other apostles.

Was the acts of the apostles in the old or New Testament?

The Acts of the Apostles is in the New Testament of the Bible. It is the fifth book of the New Testament and follows the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John).

What did Luke write after his gospel?

AnswerThe author of what is now known as Luke's Gospel then wrote Acts of the Apostles, forming a two-volume set.

What book of the Bible tells about the apostles of Acts?


Is the Acts of the Apostles in the new testament?

A:Yes. Acts of the Apostles is in the New Testament, following John's Gospel. It is traditionally attributed to the physician Luke, but scholars believe it to have been written at the end of the first century or early in the second century by an unknown author.

What does book of Bible ACTS stand for?

It stands for the acts of the apostles. Acts is the book that describes the narrative of the early Apostles lives, focusing especially on the two most prominent of those Apostles which were Peter and Paul.

What is the name of the book written about the deeds of the Apostles after the Ascension?

Acts of the Apostles.

What is the connection between the Gospel of Luke and Acts?

Acts is actually the second volume in a two-volume work by Luke, with the first volume being the Gospel of Luke. The Gospels tell the story of Jesus' life through his death and resurrection. Acts tells the story of how Christianity, the belief in Jesus as Lord and Savior, spread after his resurrection. It is primarily the story of the missionary activities of Paul. who does not appear in the Gospels at all.