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Q: What is the Application of Straight line in daily life?
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What is the rectilinear propagation of light and how does it happen in daily life?

Rectilinear propagation of light refers to the tendency of light to travel in straight lines in a uniform medium. This phenomena is evident in daily life when shadows are formed in a straight line, when light passes through a narrow opening, or when light reflects off a mirror.

What are the Uses of light travels in a straight line in your daily life?

Light traveling in a straight line is important for various daily activities such as reading, driving, and photography. It allows us to see objects clearly, helps with navigation, and is essential for capturing images accurately. In addition, technologies like fiber optics rely on the principle of light traveling in a straight line for communication purposes.

Define line of action of a force?

The line along which a force is acting on an object. It is an imaginary straight line passing through the point of application of the force in the direction of the force vector.

How many types of motion are there in daily life?

There are three main types of motion in daily life: linear motion (movement in a straight line), rotational motion (spinning or revolving around an axis), and oscillatory motion (back and forth movement around a central point). These types of motion can be observed in various activities and phenomena we encounter in our day-to-day lives.

What is a real life example of a straight angle?

it would be 180 A perfectly straight line would be an example - like the edge of a ruler. Or a plumb line.

What is the importance of number line in your daily life?

helps in history- timelines

Formula for calculating straight line depreciation?

Formula for straight line depreciation is as follows: Depreciation = (Cost of asset - salvage value) / useful life of asset

What is a real life example of collinear?

three cars driving in a straight line. cable on a Brooklyn bridge, straight line ith 3 things running along it,.

Is it possible to throw a ball in a straight line?

In a theory, it's possible to move any object in a straight line of motion, but in real life, it's physically impossible.

Example of an straight line in real life?

The piece of lead in a pencil or the pencil.

What is the formula for a straight line depreciation method?

The formula for a straight line depreciation method is the Cost minus the Salvage Value over the Life in Number of Periods which will equal Depreciation.

What is a real life example of collinear point?

three cars driving in a straight line. cable on a Brooklyn bridge, straight line ith 3 things running along it,.