You've already wrote it because 74 are Hindu-Arabic numerals
74 in Roman numerals is LXXIV 74 in Roman numerals would be LXXIV
XXXI = 31
You've already wrote it because 74 are Hindu-Arabic numerals
74 in Roman numerals is LXXIV 74 in Roman numerals would be LXXIV
XXXI = 31
74025 in Roman numerals would be (LXXIV)XXV
It is already a numeric number but if you mean in Roman numerals then it is LXXIV in today's notation of Roman numerals.
Arabic numerals are called that because the European interpretation of those numbers comes from the Arabs. The numerals are called Arabic numerals (even though they do not resemble modern Arabic numerals in the slightest) to distinguish them from Roman numerals.
In today's modern configuration it is: V-VI-LXXIV
L = 50, X = 10, I = 1 and V = 5 so LXXIV = 50 + 10 + 10 + 5 - 1 = 74.