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The Archimedes screw is used for irrigating crops and liftin water from mines and ship bilges.

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Q: What is the Archimedes screw used for today?
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What inventions of Archimedes are still being used today?

One invention Archimedes invented is the Archimedes Screw. It's still used today to irrigate crops.

Is the archimedes screw still used today?

Yes, the Archimedes screw is still used today, primarily for pumping water and other fluids in various applications such as irrigation, wastewater treatment, and aquaculture. Its simple design and efficiency make it a practical and cost-effective tool for moving liquids.

Who invented Archimedes' screw?

Archimedes invented Archimedes' screw.

What did Archimedes invent that helped bring water from a lower level to a higher level?

He invented the Archimedes Screw, which was first used to pump bilge water out of ships. It is still used today for pumping liquids and granulated solids such as coal and grain. In 1839, a steamship with a screw propeller was launched - the SS Archimedes.

How did the Archimedes screw help the Eygptians?

Archimedes' Screw was one of the earliest kinds of pump, used by the Egyptians to lift water for irrigation of crops.

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How did ancient Egyptians get water out of the nile?

They used the Archimedes Screw

What is an Archimedes screw used for?

an irrigation pump. The Archimedean or Archimedes Screw is a large spiral screw revolving inside a hollow, tight fitting cylinder. It was traditionally hand operated or wind operated by a windmill, and used to raise water efficiently by transferring water from low lying bodies of water into irrigation ditches.

When was the Archimedes screw invented?

The Archimedes screw was invented in 250 B.C.

How do we use Archimedes' discoveries today?

People all around America still use Archimedes discoveries today. Like The snail screw we use that to raise and move water. Another discovery from Archimedes we use today is pi. We use pi to find the circumference for circles. Everyone should use the "Principles of Archimedes" because we use that to weigh objects.

What is the Archimedes's screw?

An Archimedes' screw is a screw which, when twisted inside a cylinder, raises water from a lower level to a higher level, allowing irrigation of fields.

What was the date that Archimedes make the screw of Archimedes?

In the year 265 b.c