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Q: What is the Area above the surface of the sun?
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Three features found on or above the surface of the sun?

Sun spots on. Flares on and above. Solar wind above.

What is the cooler area on the sun's surface?

Sunspots are the coolest areas on the surface of the sun

What is a dark area on the surface of the sun that is cooler than the surrounding area?

Sunspots are dark areas on the sun's surface that are cooler than the surrounding area.

What is a sun spot or a sun flare?

a sunspot is a area on the sun's atmosphere a solar flare is a very hot surface of the sun. -stephanie kinghorn- a sunspot is a area on the sun's atmosphere a solar flare is a very hot surface of the sun. -stephanie kinghorn- a sunspot is a area on the sun's atmosphere a solar flare is a very hot surface of the sun. -stephanie kinghorn- a sunspot is a area on the sun's atmosphere a solar flare is a very hot surface of the sun. -stephanie kinghorn- a sunspot is a area on the sun's atmosphere a solar flare is a very hot surface of the sun. -stephanie kinghorn-

How do you calculate surface area of sun?

The surface area of a sphere = 4*pi*radius2

What is a bright area on the surface of the sun called?

A bright area on the surface of the sun is called a solar flare. Solar flares are intense bursts of radiation that occur when magnetic energy stored in the sun's atmosphere is released.

What is the surface area of the sun?

The surface area of the sun is about 6.088 X 10 to the 18th meters squared, or the equivalent of 11,900 earths. the sun is made of gases

How many times more surface area has capella than the sun?

Capella is about 90 times larger in surface area than the sun.

How many square km is the sun?

The Sun's surface area is 6.09×10^12 km2 (about 12,000 times more surface area than Earth).

What is the surface aea of the sun?

The surface area of the Sun is approximately 6.09 x 10^12 square kilometers.

What is formed on or above the sun's surface?

Solar prominences are bright red or reddish-pink clouds of glowing hydrogen gas that form above the sun's surface. They are large and often loop-shaped structures that are held above the sun's surface by magnetic fields.

Which part of the sun lies directly above the visible surface?

The part of the Sun that lies directly above the visible surface is called the photosphere. It is the outermost layer of the Sun that emits light and is the region where most of the Sun's energy is emitted as visible light.