as far as I know, it is not just one symbol but it's made up of 2 words. i cant put up the Chinese words because I don't have the software. They are pronounced as 'wen4 ti2' the numbers behind those words being the 4th and 2nd intonations respectively. question in Chinese is 问题(wen4 ti2).
Plus symbol (chinese): + Minus symbol (chinese): -
This question was a bit confusing because I don't know that lungs (the organ) are a symbol of Chinese culture. But now I'm thinking you might mean the Chinese word "long" (which is pronounced much the way "lung" is pronounced in English). "Long" is the Mandarin word for "dragon". The dragon is the traditional symbol of the emperor, while the Phoenix is the symbol of the empress. That's why the dragon is significant to the Chinese (at least, that's about all I can fill you in on). In the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, it says that Dragon means Chinese Myth. A supernatural creature (Chinese "lung") of ancient and uncertain origin, in popular belief connected with rain and flood. The dragon is a symbol of the Emperor, of good fortune, and of the yang as opposed to the yin, and is usually beneficent being。
The Chinese character(s) for secret is 秘密.
the Chinese character is 王(wang2)
The Yin and Yang symbol. (See Link)
Plus symbol (chinese): + Minus symbol (chinese): -
the Chinese dragon
The Chinese symbol for mom is "媽媽" in traditional Chinese and "妈妈" in simplified Chinese.
The Chinese symbol for 'strong' is 强. In pinyin it is 'qiang'.
The symbol here is for thank you:
None. The Chinese "alphabet" contains words, not letters.
The Chinese symbol for rock is '石' and in pinyin it's 'shi'.
狗is dog in Chinese (gou3).犬(quan3) works too.
How to spell Marquez in chinese
the symbol is not here.
Symbol for yuan is 元
Symbol for yuan is 元