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54 inches


sin30=x/9 sin30 is the degrees that makes the apothems angle of depression and 9 is the radius.

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Q: What is the Circumference of an 18 inch hexagon?
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What is circumference of a hexagon that is 18' diameter?

The perimeter of such an equilateral hexagon is 54. The circumference of the largest cricle that can be inscribed in it is 18 pi. Hope that helps! That was if you meant the diameter as the length of the longest line that fits in the shape.

What is the circumference of a circle with an 18 inch diameter?

The circumference of a circle with an 18-inch diameter is about 56.55 inches. (C = d x Pi)

What is the Circumference of a 18 inch circle?

18*pi or 18*3.141592=56.55

What is the circumference of an 18 inch circle?

Circumference of a circle: 2*pi*radius or diameter*pi

What is the circumference of a 18 inch diameter?

just over 56½ inches (18 pi)

What is a diameter of a 18 inch circumference?

The formula for circumference is pi*d = circumference. Therefore just divide the circumference by pi to get diameter. Approx. answer = 5.73

What is the Circumference of a 18 inch diameter circle?

Circumference of circle: 18*pi = 56.549 inches rounded up to 3 decimal places

What is the diameter if the circumference is 113 feet by 1 inch and the radius is 18 feet?

If the radius is 18 feet - then the diameter is 36 feet. The circumference measurement is irrelevant !

What is the circumference of a circle with a 9 inch radius?

(pie)(diameter)=(circumference) (pie)(9)(2)=18(pie)=56.549

How many gallons in 18 inch round by 42 inch tall vessel?

Assuming 18 inch round is a measure of the circumference, the volume is approx 0.96 Imperial gallons.

What are the measurements of a softball?

18 inches in circumference

What is the circumference of the basketball rim?

A basketball hoop is 18" in diameter and the formula for circumference is pi x 18" (3.1415 x 18"=56.54866")