The Cloze procedure was developed by Taylor in 1953, to determine the extent that a students' reading abilities match those required for technical materials. The Cloze procedure permits the instructor to measure the compatibility.
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a procedure is when you command someone to do something E.G recipe, commanding procedure ETC
The procedure of DFT can be found by following this website:
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order of what you did
The cloze testing method was developed in the 1950s by W.L. Taylor as a way to assess reading comprehension by removing words from a passage for the reader to fill in. The name "cloze" is derived from the Middle English term "encloze," meaning "shut" or "close."
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The Daze test is not really an acronym. It is the DIBELS programs example of a CLOZE reading test. The D is for DIBELS and the ZE comes from the CLOZE tests. CLOZE tests basically ask people to insert correct words in place of blanks or given word choices within a text.
Carol Ann Holcomb has written: 'Use of the cloze procedure as a criterion for measuring the readability of selected patient education materials for older adults' -- subject(s): Reading (Adult education)
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it is a cross word i love horses Emma as here
A cloze sentence is a type of exercise or task where words are removed from a passage or text, and the reader is required to fill in the missing words. This can help assess reading comprehension, vocabulary, and understanding of context.
Dennis Albert Wright has written: 'Criterion-referenced word recognition measures as predictors of reading achievement' -- subject(s): Ability testing, Third grade (Education), Reading, Word recognition, Cloze procedure
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Lynne Nigalis has written: 'Exploring GL vocabulary' -- subject(s): Children, Cloze procedure, English language, Foreign elements, Greek, Greek language, Influence on English, Language, Latin, Latin language, Roots, Social aspects, Social aspects of Vocabulary, Vocabulary