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The newest science seems to believe that higher intelligence (a higher IQ is generally how this is measured) correlates to an increased sex drive. However, generally speaking people with higher IQs will have less sex and with fewer parnets despite this heightened desire. A study done by a sex toy company showed that people pursuing higher education in more prestigious universities spent significantly more money on their products--at the same time, a study done by the University of Cambrige psychology department showed that these same group of high IQ students were more likely to be virgins, or at least to have reduced number of sexual partners in a year. There are many other similar studies done, and while older science for some time claimed a negative correlation between IQ and sex drive, this seems to have been disproved. Googling "intelligence and sex drive" will show you many of the studies I am mentioned and more.

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Q: What is the Correlation between Intelligence and sex drive?
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