There is no system in England! It is a muddle of the old Imperial system in parallel with the metric system.
Petrol is bought in litres but distances travelled in cars is measured in miles!
Beer in cans is sold in metric units (usually) but in pints in bars and restaurants.
and it goes on.
They are both systems of measurement except that the metric system is simpler and used by the majority of the world.
The United States customary system (also called American system or, sometimes, "English units") is the most commonly used system of measurement in the United States.
Metric system: meters; customary system: feet
The united states used the customary system when the british brought here before the revoluitionary war. only the us, UK, myanmar, and Liberia still use the systems of measurement.
US Customary. (inches, feet, yards, miles, etc.)
They are both systems of measurement except that the metric system is simpler and used by the majority of the world.
The United States customary system (also called American system or, sometimes, "English units") is the most commonly used system of measurement in the United States.
Myanmar is a country in Asia that still primarily uses the customary system of measurement in daily life, alongside the metric system.
Metric system: meters; customary system: feet
The united states used the customary system when the british brought here before the revoluitionary war. only the us, UK, myanmar, and Liberia still use the systems of measurement.
The system of measurement widely used in the US but not by the scientific community is the US customary units, which includes measurements like inches, feet, and pounds. The scientific community primarily uses the metric system for its consistency and ease of conversion between units.
Countries that still predominantly use customary units of measurement include the United States, Liberia, and Myanmar. Although the metric system is the official system in these countries, some customary units are still commonly used in daily life.
US Customary. (inches, feet, yards, miles, etc.)
The Imperial system of measurements, originally used in England.
The measurement system is in milliliters. Gallons are British (the Imperial system of measurement), or, slightly smaller, American. Gallons are not part of the metric system, thus are not measures in millilitres.
a ruler