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Net words per minute is your total words with the error rate calculated into the result. Gross words per minute is the total words typed, without subtracting any errors.

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Q: What is the Difference between Net words per minute and Gross words per minute?
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What is the difference between words per minute and Gross words per minute?

Words per minute is the actual total number of words you have typed (including deleted words), whereas Gross words per minute is the number of words you have typed excluding the ones you typed but deleted. Does that make sense?

What does GWAM mean?

Gross Words Per Minute Gross Words Per Minute

What does wpm or gwpm stand for?

WPM = Words Per Minute gwpm = Gross Words Per Minute

What is a gwam?

GWAM is an acronym for Gross Words A Minute.

What is the difference between gross margin and gross profit?

Gross Margin = (Gross Profit/Sales)*100 Gross Profit = Sales - Cost of Sales Or in words, the Gross Margin is an expression of the Gross Profit as a percentage of Sales, where the Gross Profit is Sales minus the Cost of Sales.

What is the meaning of gross speed?

It is the fastest of your typing if your average is 31 word per minute, but at some point you typed 39 words per minute then 39 word per minute is you gross speed

What is the difference between gross margin and profit margin?

Gross Margin = (Gross Profit/Sales)*100 Gross Profit = Sales - Cost of Sales Or in words, the Gross Margin is an expression of the Gross Profit as a percentage of Sales, where the Gross Profit is Sales minus the Cost of Sales.

What is the difference between operating profit and profit margin?

Gross Margin = (Gross Profit/Sales)*100 Gross Profit = Sales - Cost of Sales Or in words, the Gross Margin is an expression of the Gross Profit as a percentage of Sales, where the Gross Profit is Sales minus the Cost of Sales.

How do you calculate net words per minute?

Net words per minute is determined by measuring a typist's average gross speed in words per minute over a ten-minute period and subtracting the number of errors made during that period.

Why is there a difference between gross and net income?

Gross pay is the number of hours times base hourly rate. Net is what is left after Insurance, FICA, Fed and State deductions. In other words, Gross is what you make, Net, is what you spend.

What does gwam stand for?

It has multiple meanings, some of them being:Gross Words A MinuteGhana West Africa MissionsGet Well Assessment ModuleGathering Weekly Audio Magazine

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