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l__l barel... (BENG,BENG) c(:..!!

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Q: What is the Difference between percentage LEL and Percentage volume?
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What is the difference between crime rate and crime volume?

your crime rate is the percentage of the crime, and the volume is the number of crimes

What is the difference between percentage by weight and volume?

Percentage by weight refers to the concentration of a substance in a mixture by weight, while percentage by volume refers to the concentration by volume. Percentage by weight is calculated as the weight of the substance divided by the total weight of the mixture multiplied by 100, while percentage by volume is calculated as the volume of the substance divided by the total volume of the mixture multiplied by 100.

What is the percentage formula for change in volume?

Percentage change in volume= Change in volume/intial volume X 100

What is the formula of the percentage by mass and volume?

Percentage by Mass = Mass of substance of interest/Total Mass Percentage by Volume = Volume of substance of interest/Total Volume Converting from one to the other requires information about their relative densities.

What is the medical term meaning measurement of the percentage of the red blood cells in the volume of the blood?

The medical term for the measurement of the percentage of red blood cells in the volume of blood is hematocrit.

How do you find mass by volume percentage?


How do you find volume of a percentage?

A percentage is a pure, dimensionless number. It has neither length, nor area, volume, mass, temperature or any other dimension.

How do you find nitrogen percentage in air?

The percentage of nitrogen in pure, dry ,standard air is 78,084 % (by volume).

What is the percentage of the earths crust?

The percentage of Earth's crust is less than one percentage in terms of Earth's volume. The Earth's crust is actually a thin layer.

What blood test measures percentage of erythrocytes to whole blood?

The hematocrit measures the percentage of formed elements of the blood in comparison to the volume of whole blood. Since the other formed elements represents a small percentage of that volume, the hematocrit is considered a percentage of the red blood cells.

Does a smaller rock a have higher or lower percentage of surface area than a larger rock?

It depends on percentage related to WHAT! You cannot express surface area as a percentage of volume since the dimensions are different. So the only percentage you can have is the suface area of the smaller rock as a percentage of the surface area of the larger rock. In that case, the answer, not surprisingly, is that the smaller rock has the smaller percentage surface area.It depends on percentage related to WHAT! You cannot express surface area as a percentage of volume since the dimensions are different. So the only percentage you can have is the suface area of the smaller rock as a percentage of the surface area of the larger rock. In that case, the answer, not surprisingly, is that the smaller rock has the smaller percentage surface area.It depends on percentage related to WHAT! You cannot express surface area as a percentage of volume since the dimensions are different. So the only percentage you can have is the suface area of the smaller rock as a percentage of the surface area of the larger rock. In that case, the answer, not surprisingly, is that the smaller rock has the smaller percentage surface area.It depends on percentage related to WHAT! You cannot express surface area as a percentage of volume since the dimensions are different. So the only percentage you can have is the suface area of the smaller rock as a percentage of the surface area of the larger rock. In that case, the answer, not surprisingly, is that the smaller rock has the smaller percentage surface area.

What is the percentage of a mixture homogeneous?

The percentage of a homogeneous mixture is the proportion of each component in the total mixture, expressed as a percentage of the total mass or volume. This can be calculated by dividing the mass (or volume) of each component by the total mass (or volume) of the mixture, and then multiplying by 100.