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Describe the difference between a single trade discount versus and discount series and give an example

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Q: What is the Different between a single trade discount versus a discount series?
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Whats the Different between a single trade discount versus a discount series?

A single trade discount is only one discount for example 30% a series would be a discount of 20/10/5. Do not add them together they have to be taken separately.

What is the difference between a single trade discount and trade discount series?

What is the difference between a single trade discount and trade discount series? In: [Edit categories]

Difference between single trade discount verses a discount series?

A single trade discount is one discount like 30% where as a series discount is more then one like 20/10/5 but can not be added together, have to be discounted seperately.

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The single discount that is equivalent to a series of 40 and 20 is 20.

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Single trade discount versus discount series what kind of example for one or the other

Difference between a single trade discount and a series discount?

Single trade discount is the discount you would get when you buy 1 of the item. ex. Chips discount 99 cents. Series discount is something that you would have to buy more then 1 of the item to get the discount. ex. Peanuts, 1 for 60 cents, 2 for dollar.

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Single trade discount is the percentage off an individual good during an individual purchase. Discount series are several discounts given at a duration in time.

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a single trade discount is just that one trade discount.

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