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Q: What is the Fahrenheit equivalent of 1 Celsius?
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What is 1 Fahrenheit iin celsius?

1 degree Fahrenheit is equivalent to -17.222 degrees Celsius

How hot is 1 Celsius?

1 Celsius is equivalent to 33.8 degrees Fahrenheit.

Is one degree celsius hotter than 1 degree Fahrenheit?

Yes, one degree Celsius is equivalent to 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit. This means that one degree Celsius is hotter than one degree Fahrenheit.

How many degrees change Fahrenheit is a 1 degree change Celsius?

1 degree Celsius = 33.8 degrees Fahrenheit 2 degrees Celsius = 35.6 degrees Fahrenheit 35.6 - 33.8 = 1.8

What is the Celsius equivalent of -38 Fahrenheit?

-38 degrees Fahrenheit is equivalent to -38 degrees Celsius.

46.5 Celsius is what in Fahrenheit?

46.5o Celsius is equivalent to 115.7o Fahrenheit.

Is 1 degree Fahrenheit warmer than 1 degree Celsius?

No. Fahrenheit to Celsius is figured out by this equation: C=(F-32) x 5/9 AND Celsius to Fahrenheit uses this equation: F=(9/5 x C) + 32 No, 1 degree Fahrenheit = -17.22 degrees Celsius

What is 180 Celsius equivalent to in Fahrenheit?

180 degrees Celsius is equivalent to 356 degrees Fahrenheit. To convert Celsius to Fahrenheit, you can use the formula: (Celsius x 9/5) + 32 = Fahrenheit.

1 Celsius is how much Fahrenheit?

To convert Celsius to Fahrenheit, use the formula: Fahrenheit = (Celsius x 9/5) + 32. So, 1 degree Celsius is equivalent to 33.8 degrees Fahrenheit.

Is a change of temperature of 1 Celsius degree the same as a change of 1 Fahrenheit degree?

No, a change of 1 Celsius degree is not the same as a change of 1 Fahrenheit degree. One Celsius degree is equivalent to 1.8 Fahrenheit degrees.

What is the Fahrenheit equivalent of 38.7?

The Fahrenheit equivalent of 38.7 degrees Celsius is 101.7 degrees Fahrenheit.

What is the Fahrenheit equivalent to -15 degrees celsius?

The Fahrenheit equivalent to -15 degrees Celsius is 5 degrees Fahrenheit. The formula to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit is (C x 9/5) + 32.