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To convert cubic inches into square feet, you'll need to use the formula for volume and area.

  1. **Convert cubic inches to cubic feet**:

    • There are 1,728 cubic inches in one cubic foot (since (12 \text{ in} \times 12 \text{ in} \times 12 \text{ in} = 1,728 \text{ in}^3)).

    • So, divide the number of cubic inches by 1,728 to get the volume in cubic feet.

  2. **Convert cubic feet to square feet**:

    • To find the area in square feet, you'll need to know the height or thickness of the material in feet.

    • Divide the volume in cubic feet by the height in feet to get the area in square feet.

Here’s the formula:

[ \text{Area (sq ft)} = \frac{\text{Volume (cu in) / 1,728}}{\text{Height (ft)}} ]

If you don't have the height or thickness, you'll need that information to complete the Click Here : tinyurl .com/y8cvun7f

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AM Himel

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5mo ago
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15y ago

There no direct relationship between square dimensions and cubic dimensions. Square dimensions have no thickness. Your question would be the same as asking "How many slices of cheese can I cut from a given block if the slices have no thickness?", or "How many gallons of water can I pour on a table before no more will fit?".

A question that *does* have meaning would be "If I have a 27 cubic inch cube of butter and it is 3 inches thick, how many square inches would the plate need to be to exactly fit underneath?"(9 SqIn). You have supplied the missing dimension.


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Q: What is the Formula for figureing cubic inches into square foot?
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"Square cubic anything" is an unknown unit.=> If you have a number of square inches of area, divide the number by 144 to get the number of square feet.241,920 square inches = (241,920 / 144) = 1,680 square feet=> If you have a number of cubic inches of volume, divide the number by 1,728 to get the number of cubic feet.241,920 cubic inches = (241,920 / 1,728) = 140 cubic feet=> If you have a number of square cubic inches, then you've made a serious blunder somewhere up the line. You should repeat your work.

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How do you convert 18 cubic inches into square feet?

You don't. You either A) convert 18 cubic inches into cubic feet, or B) convert 18 square inches into square feet. A... there are 1728 cubic inches in a cubic foot, so 18 cu in would be 0.00104 cu ft. B... there are 144 square inches in a square foot, so 18 square inches would be 0.125 sq ft.

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How many cubic feet will it take to cover 625 square feet 2 inch thick?

First are you sure you want cubic feet and not cubic YARDS!Where I sell/buy my stuff to they measure in cubic YARDSthe formula is CUBIC YARDS = (square feet) x (height inches) x .0031in your case 625 x 2 x 0.0031= 3.9 cubic yardsSimple School Word math problem solving helps with cubic feet!You gave the Square feet of the garden = 625.The formula for Square feet is: length × widthThe formula for Cubic feet is: length × width × heightFirst! All the measurements in formulas must be in the same units!Convert the 2 inches to feet. The math formula is (part) / (whole )we are using inches so just to remember show them in our formulaFormula is now (part in inches) / (whole in inches)There are 12 inches in 1 feet . Our answer will be in FeetSo (whole part) in inches is 12 inches or 1 feet.You have a 2 inches part OF the whole 12 inchesor 2 inches OF 12 inches2 inches is 2/12 of a feetor 2 / 12 height in feetNow sub into the Cubic feet formula all our know values(cubic feet formula) = (square feet) × (height in feet)(cubic feet) = (625 sq feet ) x (2/12 feet)Doing the math using order of operations rules PEMDASwe see P () the 2/12 feet reduces to 0.1666 feet as a decimalNow (cubic feet) = (625) x (0.1666)(cubic feet) = 104.125You would need 104 cubic feet of topsoil.