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Elliptical Fuel Tank Calculation



a=major ellipse axis

b=minor ellipse Axis

h=height of liquid

L=tank lenght

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Q: What is the Formula to calculate volume of Partially Filled Elliptical Tank?
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Which subshells of transition metals are partially filled?

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Metals with their s and d sublevels partially filled are in transition metals group. For example, in the 4th period, scandium (Sc) has the electron configuration [Ar] 3d1 4s2 with partially filled 3d and filled 4s sublevels.

Does zinc have a partially filled 'd' sublevel?

Yes, zinc is a transition metal with a partially filled 'd' sublevel. Its electron configuration is [Ar] 3d10 4s2, meaning it has completely filled the 3d sublevel with 10 electrons and has 2 electrons in the 4s sublevel.

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When a block is partially filled in a blockchain, it means that there is space left within the block for more transactions or data. The remaining space can be filled by additional transactions or data before the block is considered full. Once filled, the block is then ready to be added to the blockchain.

Because their outermost energy level are only partially filled some elements are highly?

Because their outermost energy level is only partially filled, some elements are highly reactive, I believe.

Filled energy sublevels are more than partially filled sublevels?

Correct. Filled energy sublevels have electrons occupying all available orbitals within the sublevel, while partially filled sublevels have some orbitals unfilled. This is a result of the rules governing electron configuration in atoms.

Are transition metal good catalysts?

because of partially filled d orbitol

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In Fe atoms, the 3d orbitals are partially filled. Iron (Fe) has an electron configuration of [Ar] 3d^6 4s^2, where the 3d orbitals contain 6 electrons.

What is an atom that will lose or gain electrons until they have a full outer shell?

Anion (if it has an almost-filled outer shell) or a cation (if only the outer S orbital is filled or partially filled)

Same elements are highly what because their outermost energy levels are only partially filled?


Why a sealed bottle partially filled with a liquid can float?

A sealed bottle partially filled with a liquid can float because the weight of the liquid inside the bottle is less than the weight of the liquid it displaces. This creates an upward buoyant force that allows the bottle to float.