The GCF is: 8
The GCF for 102 136 170 is 34.
The GCF is 99.
The GCF is 8.
To simplify 136 over 99, you need to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the two numbers, which in this case is 1. Therefore, the fraction 136/99 is already in its simplest form. If you were to express it as a mixed number, it would be 1 and 37/99.
To find the greatest common factor (GCF) of 136, 102, and 51, we first need to factorize each number. The prime factorization of 136 is 2^3 * 17, the prime factorization of 102 is 2 * 3 * 17, and the prime factorization of 51 is 3 * 17. To find the GCF, we need to identify the common prime factors among the numbers, which are 17 and 1. Therefore, the GCF of 136, 102, and 51 is 17.
The GCF is 8.
The GCF is 8.
The GCF is: 136
The GCF is: 136
The GCF is 9.
The GCF is 11.