There can be no greatest common multiple. If there was one, the number twice as large would also be a common multiple and clearly would be greater.
The Greatest Common Factor (GCF) is: 18 .
LCM of 36 and 108 is 108.
answer: 108the multiples of 36 are 36, 72, 108, and so on!the multiples of 108 are 108,216,324,and 432 and the least common multiple is 108
The LCM is: 108
The LCF is 1. The GCF is 18. The LCM is 108. The GCM is infinite.
72 and 108
GCF: 12 LCM: 72 GCM: infinite
The Greatest Common Factor (GCF) is: 18 .
LCM of 36 and 108 is 108.
LCM of 36 and 108 is 108.
It is infinity but the lowest common multiple of 1228 and 36 is 11052
The LCM for 36 and 108 is 108. Since 108 is a multiple of 36, it is automatically the LCM.108 as 3 times 36 is 108 and 1 times 108 is 108
No but 108 is a multiple of 36 because 3*36 = 108
The greatest common multiple of any set of integers is infinite.
The LCM of 36 and 54 is 108.
36% of 108 = 38.88