By just merely doing something good or bad, you are already using the concept of Cartesian plane. the upward and/or right direction of the line on the plane indicates your good actions while the left/downward direction of the line indicates your bad actions. so, life is a Cartesian Plane.
bad-they molest your pet good - they treat him/her good
In mathematics it is neither bad nor good. Elsewhere, it is taken to be good.
good: usful for time managments BAD: uses battery
For you, bad. For the government, HECK YAH ITS GOOD!!!! If you are talking about the tax thingy.
Bad doogie
No. Bad instructions.
unreal tournament is a good game because it is not so Vilantive.
no it is a good game
Its an awesome game!
Asher and Jonas are playing a game called "good guys and bad guys." In this game, they take turns being the good guy and the bad guy, with the bad guy being the one who gets caught by the good guy.
both its such a good game it can cause riots
High School Musical 3 is a very good movie, if you think it's bad you are out of line.
Bad move.
Uh, it's bad.
No, the Quantum of Solace game, overall, is quite good.
I think it's a pretty good game