The lowest common denominator of 30 and 42 is 210.
A common denominator is 210.
It is 210
It is: 30
The lowest common denominator of 30 and 42 is 210.
The greatest common denominator is an infinite number and not very practical for problem solving. The GCF is 7. The LCM is 210.
A common denominator is 210.
The greatest common factor of 1200 and 210 is 30.
The greatest common factor of 66 and 210 is 6.
Well, honey, the greatest common factor of 120 and 210 is 30. It's like finding the perfect pair of shoes that both numbers can comfortably slip into without any squishing or pinching. So, there you have it, 30 is the magic number that these two can both agree on.
The greatest common factor of 154 , 210 = 14
The greatest common factor of 170 and 210 is 10