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The Greek number two is Dio, pronounced Thee-oh

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Q: What is the Greek word for the number two?
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Octo is from the Greek language. It is the Greek word for the number eight. Octo is also the Latin word for the number eight.

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The Greek word for "The" is "ο". Note: It is NOT an "O" (For "Orange") or "0" (The number).

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What is the root word for arithmetic?

The root word for arithmetic is "arithmos," which means number in Greek.

From what two Greek words does the term necrophiliac originate?

The term "necrophiliac" originates from the two Greek words "nekros" and "philia". "Nekros" is the Greek word for "dead" and "philia" is the Greek word for "love".

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Which gas was named after the Greek word for Sun?

The element helium was named for the Greek god of the Sun, Helios. Helium has an atomic number of two and is the second most abundant element.