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Q: What is the H.C.F of two co-prime numbers?
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HCF of two coprime number is?

The product of the two numbers

What will be the HCF of two coprime numbers 15 and 37?

The GCF of any two co-prime numbers is 1.

Is the HCF of two numbers ever 1?

The HCF is the largest number that both numbers can be divided by. If the HCF is 1, that would suggest that the two numbers share no prime factors. Thus, any two numbers which are coprime will have an HCF of 1. Consecutive numbers are good examples here - 15 and 16, 27 and 28, 104 and 105, all have an HCF of 1.

What is the HCF of 16 and 3?

The GCF is 1.

What is the HCF of 24 and 5?

The GCF is 1.

What is the greatest common factor of 365 and 88?

HCF(365, 88) = 1. The two numbers are coprime.

Are 6 and 8 coprime numbers?

No. If two numbers are coprime, they must have no common factors.

What is tow LCM of 7 and 3?

To find the LCM of two numbers you need to multiply them together and then divide by the HCF. In this case, the numbers are coprime and so the HCF will be 1. Therefore was just have to multiply the numbers together: 7x3 = 21 And so the LCM of 7 and 3 is 21.

How you find coprime of 25 and 27?

Since 25 and 27 are coprime, any third number - even if it shares a factor with one of these numbers - is bound to form a triplet whose HCF is 1.

Can the HCF of two numbers be a factor of their LCM?

The HCF is always a factor of the LCM of two numbers. The HCF is a factor of both the numbers which are factors of their LCM. Thus the HCF is also a factor of the LCM of the two numbers.

What is the greatest common factor of 50 and 77?

The GCF of 50 and 77 is: 1

When is the LCM of two numbers equal to the product of the two numbers?

When the two numbers are coprime. Coprime numbers need not be prime numbers - they must not have any factor in common (other than 1). So, for eaxmple, neither 8 nor 9 are prime numbers but they are coprime and so, LCM(8 , 9) = 72