The HCF is: 2
The HCF is: 2
1. HCF by factorisation Method: HCF is the product of common factors of all the numbers. Example: HCF of 24, 48, 60 First find the prime factors of these numbers 2 |24 2|48 2|60 24= 2*2*2*3 2|12 2|24 2|30 48= 2*2*2*2*3 2|6 2|12 3|15 60= 2*2*3*5 3|3 2|6 5|5 HCF= 2*2*3=12 |1 3|3 |1 |1 2. Division Method: Divide the larger number by the smaller number. Now divide the devisor by the remainder. Continue the process till the remainder is zero. Now this last devisor is the HCF of those two numbers. Repeat the process between this HCF and the other number. 48)60(1 48 12)48(4 48 0 12)60(5 60 0 Ans: 12
The highest common highest common factor of 3 & 0 is 0 as 0 is has no value.
It is 2
Oh, I see you're curious about what numbers can go into both 10 and 84. Let's take a moment to appreciate the beauty of numbers working together. The numbers that can go into both 10 and 84 are 1, 2, and 5. It's like a happy little math family coming together to create harmony.
The GCF is 2.
The HCF is: 2
The GCF is 2.
hcf(324, 512) = 4 324 = 2² x 3⁴ 512 = 2⁹ hcf = 2² = 4
To have a HCF, you need at least 2 numbers. There is no HCF in just 1 number.
The HCF is: 2
The GCF is 2.
The GCF is 2.
The GCF is 2.
HCF(8, 6) = 2.