

What is the HCF of 6 9 and 18?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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Q: What is the HCF of 6 9 and 18?
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LCM=18=2*32 HCF(guess that is what u meant, highest common factor)=3 Possibilities: 3 and 18, 6 and 9, three or all of the numbers together. Note: 3 and 6 gives a LCM of 6 3 and 9 gives a LCM of 9 6 and 18 gives a HCF of 6 9 and 18 gives a HCF of 9 Three or four out of the numbers (3,6,9 and 18) will give you LCM of 18 and HCF of 3 as well.

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It is: 9

hcf of 9 and 18?


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