The GCF is always 1.
The LCM of two numbers is their product if and only if the two numbers are co prime, that is their HCF is 1. Otherwise their LCM in not their product, in fact, it is their product divided by their HCF.
The GCF is 1.
Two numbers are relatively prime (co-prime) if they have no common factor other than 1; that is their highest common factor (hcf) is 1. If one of the numbers is prime, then the two are relatively prime if the prime is not a factor of the other. 11 is a prime. If 11 divides into 181345913, then their hcf is 11 and the two are NOT relatively prime. If 11 does not divide into 181345913 then their hcf is 1 and they are co-prime. A simple test for divisibility by 11: Sum of digits in odd position: 1+1+4+9+3 = 18 Sum of digits in even position: 8+3+5+1 = 17 Difference between the two sums = 18-17 = 1 If this difference is divisible by 11 then so is the original number. The difference is not so 11 is not a factor of 181345913 and the two numbers are relatively prime.
Relatively prime or co-prime.
The numbers are relatively prime or co-prime.
The GCF is always 1.
The GCF of any two co-prime numbers is 1.
The LCM of two numbers is their product if and only if the two numbers are co prime, that is their HCF is 1. Otherwise their LCM in not their product, in fact, it is their product divided by their HCF.
The GCF is 1.
HCF(26, 45) = 1. The numbers are co-prime.
Any number greater than one can be co-prime. I guess the answer is 49.
Numbers are co-prime, or relatively prime, if their GCF is 1. 4 and 9 are relatively prime.
Two numbers are co-prime if they do not have any common factors. The numbers themselves need not be prime.
Two numbers are considered to be co-prime if they share no common prime factors, that is, if their GCF is 1.