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what I would like to know is the importance of statistics in mathematics in relation to aspects like the mode,median & the mean and how one can explain this in a 2000 word essay

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Q: What is the Important of statistics in mathematics?
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A. Francis has written: 'Business mathematics and statistics' -- subject(s): Business mathematics, Commercial statistics, Problems, exercises 'Business Mathematics and Statistics (Complete Course Texts)'

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Because statistics is included in the study of mathematics.

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Statistics is a type of math utilized by scientists to analyze their data.

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importance of computer system in the study of statistics

What is the Important of statistics in mathematics in a 2000 word essay?

I can't write your essay for you as this is your job, but you can include concepts such as the mathematical relationships between statistics and the world, how it keeps our economy stable, things like that.

What has the author Henry George Cuming written?

Henry George Cuming has written: 'Mathematics and statistics for technologists' -- subject- s -: Mathematical statistics, Mathematics, Probabilities

Why should I take a college statistics class?

College Statistics is important for several majors, including economics, business, accounting, and mathematics. Retaining this knowledge will help you in the business world and give you an advantage over those who either did not take Statistics, or did not retain the knowledge from their Statistics classes.

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