lcd = lowest common denominator. are these denominators of fractions, if so the lcd (since they have no common factors) is 8x35 = 280
if you mean lowest common divisor then the answer is 1
LCD(12, 8) = 24.
5 is a factor of 35, so the LCD is 35.
First you have to find the LCD. LCD=40 Then you multiply each fraction top and bottom to get 40 as the LCD. 35/40+32/40+18/40 Then you need to add. 85/40 Lastly you simplify. So the answer is 19/8(19 over 8)
It is: 630
LCD(8, 100) = 200
LCD(8, 3) = 24.
LCD(6, 8) = 24
LCD(715, 8) = 5720
LCD(12, 8) = 24.
If that's 84 and 35, the LCD is 420.If that's 8/4 and 3/5, the LCD is 20.
5 is a factor of 35, so the LCD is 35.