The LCM (Least Common Multiple) of 2x7 and 4x9 is 36x63.
Factors of 14= 2x7 Factors of 11=11x1 Factors of 22=11x2 Lcm= 2x7x11 Lcm=154
6=2x3 18=2x3x3 14=2x7 So LCM is 2x3x3x7 (because you can divide this number by 6, 18 and 14) = 126
To find the LCM, you first need to identify the prime factors of the numbers. In this case: 2x3 = 2*x*x*x 4x9 = 2*2*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x The next step is to identify and discard any common factors. In this case, both numbers have three xs and one 2 shared. So we can discard these, and count only the remaining factors. These are: 2, 2, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x and x Multiply these together and you get 4x9 Thus the LCM of 2x3 and 4x9 is 4x9
2x7 = 14 x7 = 7 3x7 = 3*7 = 21
== 4x9== 36 ==